Minister:  Rev Holly Smith
Tel:  07834 218203
E-mail: hollyreneesmith@gmail.com

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There are many ways to give to the work of the Church and at Mid Deeside we are fortunate to have lots of people contributing their time and talent and other resources to help us serve God in our community. We call this Stewardship.

Because of our faith we are grateful to God, and one way to express our thanks is by Giving to the Church which is the Body of Christ in the world and in our parish, doing His work and sharing His message.

Stewardship invites us

  • to express our faith by giving;
  • to a deeper understanding of the Bible;
  • to a place of generosity, gratitude, cheerfulness and hopefulness;
  • to think about our priorities in using money; and
  • to enable the Church to be the Body of Christ effectively in todays world.

Mid Deeside we have a vision where we grow ourselves and our Church and would like to do more to:

  • Nurture faith in young and old alike;
  • Reach out to children and their families;
  • Deepen our care for our congregation; and
  • Increase our support for community groups.

Through this Giving page we are asking you to help resource our vision and develop the life of the Church here in Mid Deeside. If you are not already giving to the Church we invite you to do one of the following:

  • Make a one-off donation to Mid Deeside Church by pressing the blue ‘Donate’ button where your giving will be managed by our partner Dona Donations and you will be given the opportunity to Gift Aid your donation to us.

  • Give regularly by completing this Standing Order form and sending it to your bank.
  • Make your regular giving tax efficient by completing this Gift Aid form (see note below) and returning it to the church treasurer.
  • If you use online banking, you can set up a standing order this way, our details are below:

Sort code: 82-61-00
Account number: 00403664

If you would like any advice about leaving a Legacy to the Church in your will or have any other questions concerning your giving please contact the treasurer Bob Auckland at bob.auckland@yahoo.com or 013398-82722.

NOTE: If you are a UK tax payer, please consider signing our Gift Aid Form – this allows us to recover some of the tax you have already paid. Mid Deeside Church can recover 25p for every £1 you give, so long as you have completed a Gift Aid form. The tax recovery from HMRC itself is all done for you.

Thank you. 

Were the whole realm of nature mine,
that were an offering far too small;
love so amazing, so divine,
demands my soul, my life, my all.”

From Hymn 1126 ‘When I survey the Wondrous Cross’ Complete Mission Praise.

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